Category Archives: Financial Literacy

#FinancialFridays: The New Year is here and so is the opportunity for financial fresh starts.

Financial Fridays Facing Fear Finding Freedom The Covid-10 Pandemic has affected everyone financially, to some degree. While there are some who made extra money, for most people there have been a significant increase in the cost of living, as well as drastic changes to incomes. A new year gives us

#FinancialFridays: A recent survey shows that 1 in 4 Canadians say that they can’t afford the holidays this year.

For many, planning for the holidays this year is proving to be a stressful experience. Worries related to the Covid-19 pandemic along with financial concerns and the inability to celebrate as we typically do, is creating anxiety for lots of individuals this Christmas season. Recently, a survey by Credit Canada

#FinancialFridays: Holiday Season Preparation Series – Fun and Finances Really Can Mix!

2020 has been a different kind of year from the usual… and this Christmas/Holiday Season will most likely be as well. Why not use this holiday season to create new expectations, traditions and memories. If you are finding things tough this year financially or simply want to cut back on

#FinancialFridays: Receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance or Survivor Benefit? Service Canada has an important reminder for you.

Do you receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance or Allowance for the Survivor Benefit? If so, Employment and Social Development Canada and Service Canada has an important reminder for you. During the week of October 5, 2020, Service Canada sent reminder letters and Statement of Income forms to clients in

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