Attack Coin Can in Support of the Backpack Program
2023-2024 Season Results…
Regular Season Away Game Total: $119
Regular Season + Playoff Season Total: $125
Participating in the Attack Coin Can Campaign is an exciting way to support our LOCAL successful hockey team and our LOCAL children in need of school supplies. You have contributed to raising $15,420.57 for this vital program through this campaign!
If you are able, we encourage you to participate in this fundraiser by donating $1 each time the Owen Sound Attack scores a goal during an away game.
A special shoutout to Bear Wheel and Brake Service for sponsoring this for now 6 wonderfully successful years!
“Make teamwork your first goal, and a lot more goals will follow.”
Thank you to the Owen Sound Attack for hosting us in the Community Corner at the home opener on Saturday, September 30th. The energy of the game was electric and you could definitely tell that the community was so excited to have another season of amazing hockey begin for the 2023-2024 season! We had a few people sign up at the game. Thank you to everyone who stopped by!
The Owen Sound Attack’s goal is to be successful in the OHL playoffs and to have fun doing it! The goal of The Backpack Program is to provide as many local children affected by poverty in our community with the school supplies they need to have a successful school year. The need for school supplies in our local area is constantly getting larger. This year we have handed out 109 more backpacks than 2022 and 538 backpacks since 2021.
You can sign up by dropping by our office (380 9th Street East, Owen Sound), or by filling out the form below.
Thank you for supporting this program and for being a part of positive change in your hometown.
To sign up or to request a Coin Can please fill out the information below.