25th Anniversary

2023 marks the 25th year of United Way Bruce Grey. We will be doing a special “25-themed” event on the 25th of each month in celebration of our anniversary. Stroll down for the links to each page as they get published.
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Now, we would like to take a stroll down memory lane with some memorable events that have taken place every year we’ve been operating.
United Way Bruce Grey was founded on July 9th, 1998.
Memorable Moments of UWBG Timeline
CIBC makes the first $5,000 to launch the campaign.
First Executive Director, Betty Attridge, was hired in May 1998.
Awarding of charitable number July 9th, 1998.
First set of grants awarded $10,000 to 10 organizations.
We provided $100,000+ in support of the Walkerton Water Crisis.
“Spirit”, a life-size replica of a moose became a volunteer and official mascot for the United Way of Bruce Grey. “Spirit” Moose on the Loose in Grey Bruce demonstrates the spirit of the community, who donned the logos from agencies, and contributors to raise community awareness of the need for monetary donations towards local community needs.

United Way Bruce Grey fundraised a total of $97,109.60 this year.
The first Starlight Film Festival was held.
Grey Bruce Children Alliance was founded.
Francesca Dobbyn was hired to be the Executive Director.
The Backpack Program was launched.
We launched “Community Matters” (community consultation on local needs).
Held 2 professional development conferences for not-for-profits local charities.
Moved into our current home! 380 9th Street East in Owen Sound.

Partner with area Rotary Clubs for Winterama – created the Children’s Fund (now Hope Fund).
Elder Abuse conference in Kincardine.
$30 000 Trillium grant to furnish the office.
Held an Amazing Race on the Owen Sound Transit system for Owen Sound’s 150th celebrations.
Information Bruce Grey launches.
We have granted $1 million to date to the community.
We hired the first Backpack Summer Student.
We put on the first Seniors Fair.
211 officially launches!
Full Utility Assistance Program launches.
Bridges Out of Poverty and Getting Ahead are introduced to the community.
The first Awards Night at the Movies event happened.
Released the first “hunger report” on Food bank usage locally.
Supported UWPH and 211 after the Goderich Tornado, managing the tornado response Facebook page.
The Poverty Task Force was founded.
We have granted $2 million to date to the community.
We produced the first Living wage report.
Led protest and community response to the proposed closure of the OS Transit terminal – terminal remained open.
CBC Celebrity Dinah Christie is a guest speaker at the Seniors Fair.
Financial Literacy Program is launched.
The first March Together event was held to support 6 organizations.
We hosted the Montreal Canadian Alumni team in January.
The August 10th Arson Fire support fund began.
First time over $1 million in revenue.
We founded Settlement Services for Syrian Response.
Partnered with Grey County Housing and funded by the Community Foundation – built a shed and picnic shelter at Alpha Street housing complex.
The Bruce Peninsula Safe Communities Committee achieves accreditation.
A formal ban on electricity disconnections was legislated.
United Way Receives a $1.6 Million Pledge from Bruce Power Campaign (over 3 years).
We launched Making Grey Bruce Home. Making Grey Bruce Home’s online information hub, which provides 211 information in over 20 languages, won the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) I&R Innovation Award in the Resource Database category.
We have granted $3 million to date to the community.
The Hope Fund assumed for Children Aid Society.
We launched Pathways for Newcomer Women.
We launched Affordability Fund Trust Project – an energy conservation project to pilot in rural communities.
Groundbreaking for Reconciliation Garden at Kelso.
We are proud to say that we led the community through the pandemic.
First Pi Day event.
Relaunch of Financial Literacy Program.
We launched FoodBruceGrey.com.
Hanover and region Delta Outbreak community response effort.
We launched the SOS Project.
We have granted $4 million to date to the community.
Tampon Tuesday with Bounce Radio.