Tag Archives: Financial Friday

#FinancialFridays: A recent survey shows that 1 in 4 Canadians say that they can’t afford the holidays this year.

For many, planning for the holidays this year is proving to be a stressful experience. Worries related to the Covid-19 pandemic along with financial concerns and the inability to celebrate as we typically do, is creating anxiety for lots of individuals this Christmas season. Recently, a survey by Credit Canada

#FinancialFridays: As temperatures begin their descent downwards, natural gas rates are on the rise. Are you prepared?

As temperatures begin their descent downwards, Natural Gas rates are on the rise effective October 1st, 2020. Enbridge Gas has received approval from the Ontario Energy Board for changes in the rates customers pay for natural gas. A typical residential customer will see a bill increase of about $7 to

#FinancialFridays: Debt got you down? Hope and help exists and you too can become debt-free.

Has debt got you down? If so, you’re not alone. Right now in Canada, the debt crisis is skyrocketing with Canadians owing nearly $2 trillion! Debt can cause a huge amount of stress that ultimately can affect one’s physical and mental health, relationships with family and friends, job performance and