#FinancialFridays: The Federal Government has announced they will repay clawbacks for low-income seniors.

The Federal Government has announced that they are moving up the timeline to repay clawbacks for low-income seniors. These benefits will be distributed to low-income seniors who saw their income top-ups reduced because they received emergency pandemic aid. Payments may flow sooner for those in dire need. The federal government

#FinancialFridays: Ontario raises maximum allowable rent increase as rent freezes end.

Ontario raises maximum allowable rent increase as rent freezes end. The province says it has set it’s rent increase guideline for 2022 at 1.2%. Learn more at: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/ontario-raises-maximum-allowable-rent-increase-as-rent-freezes-end If you are experiencing a rent increase and want to learn more about your rights as a tenant, visit https://stepstojustice.ca/questions/housing-law/how-much-can-my-rent-go/

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