Our amazing donors sponsored 744 boxes of Girl Guide Cookies to thank local long term care homes.

When we put the call out to thank the front line workers at our local term care homes while we help out our local Girl Guide packs as well – YOU responded! What an incredible community we have! Thanks to your amazing generosity, 744 boxes (62 cases) of Girl Guide

Struggling to pay your utility bills during the Covid-19 pandemic? Help is available.

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted us all but for those who were already struggling or have lost their job, these are very tough times indeed. In addition to our Utility Assistance Program which provides help for heating and electricity costs for low income households, there are other programs available as

Many of our local homeless have been housed and we could use your help.

We are happy to announce that 60 local individuals who were previously homeless have now been housed in apartments. The majority of these individuals do not own anything, not even the bare essentials to outfit their fresh start. We want them to be successful in their new residence and we

Today is #GivingTuesdayNow. Please join us for a day of thanks and giving back.

Today is #GivingTuesdayNow. This is a global day of giving and unity during an unprecedented need caused by the #Covid19 pandemic. It’s also a day to give back to your community in a way that is meaningful to you. We believe that everyone has the power to make a difference.

We are in need of a variety of essential care items for our Vulnerable Seniors Hamper Project. Can you help?

We are in the process of preparing some hampers full of essential items for vulnerable seniors in our local communities and we could use your help! We are in need of a variety of items that will be included in the hampers. Suggestions for support items in the hampers include;

When the Covid-19 Pandemic hit, our donors responded. As a result, even more meals could be provided to the most vulnerable.

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, our donors were there for those who are most vulnerable in our community. Thank you so much for that. As the pandemic forced people into self isolation and many free meal programs were closed to the public, organizations stepped up and adjusted how they were

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