Make Highway 6 Safe Report Released

Make Highway 6 Safe

Over the past two years, the community has been asked ‘How can we make Highway 6 safe?’

The Bruce Peninsula Safe Communities Committee has worked to answer this question, and we are now pleased to release our 2018 report. Some of these numbers may shock you, but for daily drivers on the Peninsula they may also reaffirm your belief in a problem that needs fixing.

We have previously disclosed these findings at our public meetings in Lion’s Head and Wiarton. Thank you to everyone who has helped us over these past two years. We look forward to further reducing dangerous driving on the Peninsula.

We want to thank all of our community partners that have worked with us over the past two years, as well as the members of the Committee. Thank you Bruce Peninsula OPP, Parachute Canada, Ontario Ferries, Bruce Peninsula National Park, and the Ministry of Transportation.


Highway 6 Tobermory Bruce Peninsula Safe Report

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the report. We are looking forward to feedback and discussion on the issue. Thank you for your support.