Kincardine Laundry Supports
Community groups come together to explore and communicate options for laundry services
Kincardine, ON – Local social service agencies and programs are working together to support access to laundry services, due to the fire at 330 Durham Market Square South on Saturday, July 6th, 2024. Thankfully there were no injuries from this fire but there are, and will continue to be, impacts on the owner, businesses, and residents, due to the damage to the services located in this building.
Residents and visitors who need laundry services are being directed to call 211 to find the nearest laundry service available. 211 services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or visit them online HERE. If transportation is a barrier, please call 211 and let them know this is a challenge, and they will track the issues and try to find resources to help.
Help fund a dryer kit!
In partnership with the Kincardine Food Bank we are currently fundraising to provide this dryer kit – not exactly as pictured we’re still sourcing – for households who can sink or tub wash clothes but need support to dry them. Each kit is $45.
The kits will be distributed by the Kincardine Food Bank. We are currently working on a distribution plan and will update this page, and 211, as soon as we have a plan in place.
Any and all funds are allocated to support people affected by this situation. As donations are made, ideas emerge and resources are created, funds will be allocated to that initiative under the umbrella of “laundry supports”.

Local Laundromats
To help people navigate the loss of the laundromat in Kincardine, we’ve (United Way Bruce Grey) created a map and a listing on 211 of laundromats in Bruce, Grey, and a wee bit of Huron as well.
If transportation is a barrier, please call 211 to flag that as an issue and find out about any resources that could help.
We are also trying to understand the scope of what the barriers are for those who will be impacted by the loss of the laundromat.
If we’ve missed a location, please let us know and we’ll edit the “laundro-map”