Category Archives: Owen Sound


Bike 4 United Way (B4UW) is an annual OPS/agency employee charity ride. Since starting in 2012 they have raised over $150,000 to support United Way programs across Ontario. These funds help the United Way network of member agencies and programs ensure that hundreds of thousands of Ontarians have access to

Fires in Owen Sound

What you need to know: Area media stories Bayshore Broadcasting The Dock The Sun Times Follow us on Twitter How can you help? At this time, we don’t know all the needs of the families involved. If you have ‘stuff’ to donate, please call 211 and let them know.  They

LCBO campaign underway!

Thursday the annual summer LCBO Giving Back campaign started.  When you make a purchase at any LCBO in Ontario they will ask you if you’d like to donate to the United Way. As this is an Ontario wide effort, local United Ways benefit greatly through visitors and tourists in our

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