Category Archives: Financial Literacy Program

Ready to make some positive changes in your life? Our “Turning Over Stones” brochure includes useful resources on local supports.

Looking to make some positive changes in your life? Our “Turning Over Stones” brochure contains useful information relating to local utility assistance, home repairs and energy programs, financial literacy, support for children and newcomers and more. This resource along with information on our Financial Literacy Program is available online at

#FinancialFridays: New Rules for Unemployment Insurance

There are new pandemic-related changes coming to the Employment Insurance system that took effect Sunday, September 26. This is a list of a few changes. To see all criteria, visit Service Canada at Eligibility In the last year, EI applicants received a one-time top-up of hours to help them qualify.

#FinancialFridays: Growing up and finances – what messages about money have you learned in your life?

Where did you learn about money and finances? We learn about money and how to use it from our earliest age. There are messages about money all around us. From watching those closest to us and how they use money to commercials that are streamed into our minds through tv,

#FinancialFridays: Are you a senior on a fixed income? This post is for you!

If you’re 60 years or older and you’re living on a fixed income, this video provides valuable information on Federal financial support through the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). Please note that the eligibility criteria for the 2020 tax year has changed since the preparation of this video. Please see cut-off

#FinancialFridays: Wanting to save for your child’s education but not sure where to start?

Would you like to save for your child’s education but struggle to find space on a tight budget? The Canada Learning Bond can help. Many people have heard of the matching program, the Canada Education Savings Grant, but are not aware of the Canada Learning Bond. This program does not

#FinancialFridays: 250 people have accessed our Financial Literacy Program. We are here for you.

Our Financial Literacy Program relaunched in June 2020 and this week marked the 250th person accessing the program. 62% of those who accessed the program completed a budget with our Financial Literacy Program Coordinator. A budget is an important tool for understanding your current financial situation and making a plan

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