Category Archives: Food Banks

When the Covid-19 Pandemic hit, our donors responded. As a result, even more meals could be provided to the most vulnerable.

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, our donors were there for those who are most vulnerable in our community. Thank you so much for that. As the pandemic forced people into self isolation and many free meal programs were closed to the public, organizations stepped up and adjusted how they were

Community Update Report: Lots of amazing things happened this week thanks to our donors and volunteers.

Our donors and volunteers have made a lot of REALLY AMAZING things happen in recent days. We are SO thankful for each and every one of you who have supported our quest to help the most vulnerable in our region through our Pandemic Relief Fund. And to those who are

Toilet paper is being delivered to area food banks thanks to the incredible generosity of our donors.

Toilet paper. It’s one of those basic grocery items and up until a month ago, we never paid much thought to it. The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything however and toilet paper suddenly was on everyone’s mind.   Many food banks in our region began experiencing difficulty supplying toilet paper to

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