Toilet paper is being delivered to area food banks thanks to the incredible generosity of our donors.

Thanks to our donors, we are able to supply toilet paper to area food banks! Thank you!

Toilet paper. It’s one of those basic grocery items and up until a month ago, we never paid much thought to it. The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything however and toilet paper suddenly was on everyone’s mind.
Many food banks in our region began experiencing difficulty supplying toilet paper to their patrons and we responded. Thanks to the INCREDIBLE generosity of our donors, we were able to secure 70 cases of toilet paper from a wholesaler. How amazing is that!!!
By purchasing toilet paper from a wholesaler, the supply chain of toilet paper to the grocery stores is not affected and consumers can still access the product in the stores. Ensuring the supply chain to the public is extremely important to us.
So a BIG THANK YOU to our donors – you have made this happen! 
And a BIG SHOUT OUT to Habitat for Humanity in Owen Sound and Hanover who have been delivering the toilet paper to area food banks and storing the excess for us. You are such a vital piece in this project. Thank you. 
What a great example of community coming together! Thank you for showing your #LocalLove!
Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce delivers much needed toilet paper to food banks.
Photo Source:   Habitat For Humanity Grey Bruce (Facebook Page)