Author Archives: Kristy Andre

#FinancialFridays: Managing Debt

Debt can be very stressful and really affect our health, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. People go into debt for many reasons that are as varied and individual as their circumstances.  When people live with a low income, even small emergencies and unexpected expenses can lead to debt that

From The Very Beginning: LCBO

From the very beginning, LCBO has been an amazing supporter of United Way Bruce Grey, consistently contributing to our mission of supporting local individuals and families in need. We are immensely grateful for their generosity and the immeasurable impact it has had on our community. Looking ahead, as we approach

Financial Friday: What is a Credit Bureau?

A company that collects and compiles information about your credit history. This information is reported to the credit bureau from banks, other financial institutions, credit card companies, utility companies, collection agencies, and various other bodies such as courthouses and the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.  In Canada, there are two

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