Our Meals To Motel numbers are in!

The Meals To Motel program numbers are in! This program, which was created in late April 2020, provides meals to the homeless who are sheltering in motels and who are not able to access community meal programs.
To date, with the support and assistance of local community partners, close to 11,000 meals have been served.
Owen Sound Hunger and Relief Effort (OSHaRE) cooks and assembles their meals, along with frozen meals prepared by the St Aiden’s Frozen Meal Program, which are then place in coolers and picked up by United Way staff who deliver them to the identified motels.
Grey-Bruce’s Bounce Radio also contributed meals through their “Feeding Families – Restaurant Relief Program. Our thanks and appreciation go out to them as well.
We thank all of our community partners who are involved with this initiative.
For more information, contact:
United Way of Bruce Grey – 519-376-1560
Y-Housing – Joan Chamney – 519-371-9230
OSHaRE – Colleen Trask- Seaman – 519-376-3899