How to support the victims of the May 19th Hanover fire.

In response to the May 19th Hanover fire, we thank everyone in the local community who have been there in various capacities to support the victims of this terrible event. The strength of this community shines bright. Thank you for being there for those in need. ❤
If you would like to support the victims, we ask that you refrain from dropping off goods at the temporary shelter. Instead, we ask that you consider the following options:
To donate clothing, please do so at the The Salvation Army Hanover Thrift Store. They are located at 711 – 10th Avenue, Hanover. Their phone number is 519-506-3450.
To donate furniture / household items, contact the Hanover Restore. They are located at 1049 7th Avenue in Hanover. The phone number is 519-371-6776.
The United Way of Bruce Grey and our community partners are actively working with both of these organizations to provide goods to those affected by this fire.
Funds may also be donated through the United Way of Bruce Grey to support basic needs and resettling costs for those directly affected by the fire. Donations are accepted online through Canada Helps at
E-transfers are accepted at (please specify “Hanover Fire” in the note as well as your name and phone number/email). An autodeposit is in place so no password required.
You may also donate by phone at 519-376-1560 / 1-800-794-1728 or in person/by mail at: United Way of Bruce Grey, 380 9th Street East, Owen Sound, ON N4K 1P1.