From The Very Beginning: Hobart Food Equipment Group

Since our inception in 1998, Hobart Food Equipment Group has been an unwavering supporter of United Way Bruce Grey. Their generosity in contributing $8,735.32 back in 1998 has had an immeasurable impact on the countless individuals and families within our community whom we’ve been able to support because of them.

As we approach our 25th anniversary in 2023, we are taking stock of our journey and the many individuals and organizations that have helped us along the way. We recognize that our success would not have been possible without the steadfast support of Hobart Food Equipment Group.

Their generosity has helped us fulfill our mission of promoting education, assisting families in poverty, and building stronger, healthier communities. Every dollar donated has made an immeasurable difference in the lives of those we serve.

We want to take this opportunity to thank Hobart Food Equipment Group for their ongoing partnership and support. Your contributions have been integral to our success and we are deeply appreciative of the impact you have had on our community.

As we look ahead to the future, we are excited to continue our work and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow. Once again, thank you to Hobart Food Equipment Group and all of our supporters for your dedication to our cause. Stay tuned for more appreciation acknowledgments to our early supporters.

#ThankYou #ThankYouThursday #LocalLove #GreyCounty #BruceCounty #UnitedWay #UnitedWayBruceGrey