#FinancialFridays: Thank You
Thank you to everyone who has used the Financial Literacy Program in 2023! I really appreciate it.

Talking about money and finances is very difficult and can be intimidating and scary. Our goal is to be non-judgemental, straightforward, and give clear, realistic information. This will continue to be the core goal of this program in 2024 and always.
In 2023, 240 people were told about the program by a friend, family member, or social service worker… and sought help from the program.
Staff from more than 30 organizations shared information about the program with people in our communities.
45% of those people’s main financial worry was debt and collections.
These are numbers, but each of those people has their own unique story and circumstances. Thank you for your trust and for being brave.
With warm regards,
Caroline Araujo Abbotts