#FinancialFridays: Gift Cards

Are gift cards a good present? Yes, absolutely!
I was in a big store the other day and a woman was looking through the gift card rack thoughtfully. A stranger proclaimed, “You can’t get people gift cards for Christmas!” And that woman looked so deflated. And I proclaimed, “Yes, you can! Gift cards are a great gift!” And that woman looked so relieved!
First, keep your judgmental comments to yourself, perfect stranger in the store. Second, gift cards, chosen thoughtfully and with care, ARE A GREAT GIFT! I could sure use some help with the cost of groceries, a meal out, an online purchase, and many other things, all of which can be done with a gift card!
Notice I said, “Help with the cost…” A gift card of any denomination can help make a purchase more affordable and less daunting. It can be for a grocery store chain, a locally owned restaurant or café, a major online store, or a pre-paid credit card. December tends to be a month with a lot of expenses, making January a difficult month for many people. Having a gift card for $10 can help make January easier to get through financially.
Gift cards say “I want you to know I appreciate you and want to give you something special!”
With warm regards,
Caroline Araujo Abbotts (She/Her)
Financial Literacy Program Coordinator
519-378-4773 work cellphone (Mon-Fri 8:30 am – 4:30 pm)
380 9th Street East, Owen Sound, ON. N4K 1P1
519-376-1560 / 800-794-1728 / fax 519-376-5458