#FinancialFridays: Email Addresses

Earlier this week, we shared a post from West Grey Police Service about posting photos online. The West Grey Police suggested putting non-identifying information on the sign to keep kids safe. The same principle should be used when making email addresses.
Email addresses that include personal information, like your year of birth, your place of birth, or your kid’s name, are providing information that scammers can use. An example would be Caroline1980@fakemail.com or CarolinesMommmy2015@fakemail.com. Scammers can use that information to get into your accounts or in other ingenious ways. Scammers are professionals who have many ways to fraud people. When you make an email address, think of what information you are sharing that may be sensitive.
Also, Don’t give your email address to sites you don’t trust. Posting your email address to public places online, like message boards, comment boards, or personal websites, may make you vulnerable. Keep your personal email private except from people or businesses you really want to hear from. Some people even have two emails, one they use for private information and one they use for non-sensitive correspondence.
How do you keep your information safe?