Coldest Night of the Year: Kincardine

Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) is coming back to Kincardine on February 24th, 2024.
What is CNOY?
It’s a fundraiser that focuses on helping people in your community who are experiencing Hurt, Hungry, and Homelessness. You sign up, ask for pledges, and do either a 2km or 5km walk in the cold to help the people in your community. 2023’s event was an AMAZING success and we’re hoping 2024’s will be the same.
Who are the Charities and how do they support Kincardine?
United Way of Bruce Grey has been around for 25 years. Their mission statement says: To meet unmet needs in Bruce and Grey Counties by mobilizing volunteer and financial resources in the common cause of caring. They help Kincardine residents with utility assistance, fully stocked backpacks, and a financial literacy program. Also, by giving grants to programs, projects, and agencies in Grey Bruce.
Kincardine Good Food Box: A collective buying program provides a grocery bin of fresh seasonal produce at a low price. Encourages healthier eating and promotes fresh fruits and vegetables. Produce is purchased in bulk at wholesale prices and the savings are passed on to participants. The CNOY funds will help them purchase boxes for vulnerable people in Kincardine.
Come out to show your support to the community! Sign up today and please help spread the word about this truly awesome event!
Sign up here:
Overall, a total of $30,693.59 was spent in Kincardine in 2023. Money raised from The Coldest Night of the Year helps United Way continue to provide support to the residents in Kincardine through these programs and grants. For more information, click here.
Here are some photos from 2023’s event: