Free Christmas Meals in Bruce Grey 2023

We have formed a list of programs and organizations offering a Christmas Hamper or a Christmas Meal in Grey Bruce for low-income families/ individuals. Please help spread the word as hamper signup deadlines are QUICKLY approaching.
Christmas Hampers
Thornbury: Beaver Valley Outreach
December 1st registration deadline, application forms online (see link above), must be returned to BVO
Chesley: The Salvation Army
Food Bank: Wed 9:30 am-11:30 pm by appointment only.
Registration for Emergency Christmas Assistant Program by appointment only, during regular food bank hours, Nov 2, 2023- Dec 7, 2023. Cindy Steadman 519-364-3450, or 226-230-1447 (cell)
Durham Food Bank
December 1st registration deadline, Application forms available mid Oct at Heritage Corner Variety (393 Garafraxa St N), The Bookstore (144 Garafraxa St S), Durham Library (453 Garafraxa St S), or by phone at 519-369-6860.
Dundalk Food Bank
Hampers for individuals and families in the area not receiving assistance from other food banks. Call to register in November 519-923-0454
Flesherton Community Love Committee Christmas Assistance
Call Mon-Sat 9 am-5 pm to register.
Registration dates: Nov 10-Dec 1, 2023
Delivery or pickup details will be given at the time of registration.
Hanover: The Salvation Army Hanover
Emergency Christmas Assistance Program Registration: by appointment only, Tue, Thu 9:30 am-11:30 am and 12:30 pm-2 pm. Registration: Nov 7, 2023- Dec 15, 2023. To apply, call 519-364-3450 or 226-230-1447 to make an appointment
Hanover Society of St Vincent de Paul
Program is closed for applications as the program is full
Holstein Presbyterian Church Hamper Program
December 1st registration deadline, call or email Brenda Calder, Coordinator 519-323-7037,
Kincardine Christmas Hamper Program
Must be referred by an agency including the Food Bank, social worker, counselor, school principal, health professional, service agency, or minister to make a referral by Nov 23, 2023
Lion’s Head Christmas Hamper Program
Register by December 1st. Call or text to 519-378-8842 or email to register
Markdale Christmas Assistance
For Christmas 2023, register in person on Nov 23 or Dec 7, 9:30 am-12 noon
Delivery or pick-up information will be given at registration.
Meaford Christmas Hamper Program
The registration deadline is the end of November. Contact
Owen Sound Salvation Army Food Bank
Application dates for Christmas Assistance 2023: 9:30 am-12:30 pm on Nov 21 and Dec 5.
Paisley Food Bank
The application starts Nov 1st and ends the first week in Dec. Call or email Carol McCulloch, Coordinator 519-353-5270,
Port Elgin The Salvation Army Port Elgin
Registration: Applications for Christmas Assistance 2023 are being taken from 9 am-12 noon on Nov 23, Nov 30, and Dec 7. Apply in person. Regular food bank clients’ applications can be made when they come in for food assistance.
Ripley and District Christmas Hamper Program
Applicants are referred to through schools, community service agencies and churches.
Applications are also available at the Food Bank Anglican Church of the Messiah (415 Russell St E, Kincardine, ON, N2Z 2A9). please contact John Kelly at 519-955-9884 or email
Tara Area Food Bank
Register in person until DECEMBER 7 during regular food bank hours or call 519- 270-3684. Hampers will be ready for pickup on December 16.
Tobermory The Meeting Place
Sign up at the food bank during regular hours or call Linda at 519-596-2333 or Jim at 519-375-1010
Walkerton Food Bank
Thurs 1 pm-4 pm Dates: Register in person from Oct 15 to Nov 30 during regular food bank hours. Hampers will be ready for pickup prior to Christmas Day.
Wiarton Salvation Army Food Bank
Call to sign up for a hamper at 519-534-0353
Christmas Meals
Grey Highlands
Gentle Shepherd Community Church Meal
Registration deadline Dec 19th, pick up Dec 22, 10am-12pm
Grace United Church
Dinner to be held on Christmas Day at 12pm- call to register 519-364-3550
St. Anthony’s of Padus Catholic Church Meal
Call Sam to register at 519-396-2001 by Dec 20th Christmas day meal at 1pm
Kincardine Baptist Church basement
RSVP by Dec 11th. Contact Wes at 519-386-0558 or
Owen Sound
OSHaRE and Salvation Army
The 2023 Christmas Day Dinner will be offered as a take-out meal, in partnership with OSHaRE. Pick-up will happen at OSHaRE (946 3rd Ave. East, Owen Sound) at 12 noon on December 25th. No registration is required.
Saugeen First Nation
Saugeen First Nation Christmas Meal with The Queens Bar and Grill Port Elgin
Call the food bank to register by December 21st at 226-435-2210, meal to be held at the Saugeen Rec Centre on December 23rd, 3pm-6pm delivery available for those who need it.
Saugeen Shores
Christmas Meal by The Queens Bar and Grill
Order deadline December 20th at 12pm.
Free heat and serve meal delivered meal on December 24th. Will be delivered only between 3-5pm on the 24th, to Saugeen Shores and Saugeen First Nation. To order please call Chuck or Linda at 519-832-6003 or email
Salvation Army Christmas Meal
The meal is planned for December 20th at The Salvation Army on Edward St. Call 519-534-0353 for more details.
211 Listings (may not all be updated) –