Can you help us “raise the roof” on the Saugeen First Nation Food Bank? We would appreciate your support.

Thank you to all of our amazing donors who supported Saugeen First Nation during their Covid outbreak in the summer. The funds raised were used to provide food bank supplies and food, sanitation supplies, children’s programming and resources, clothing and more. Thank you for responding to their needs and for showing your caring support during their time of need.
Unfortunately, the Food Bank roof is leaking and is in need of repairs. We invite you to help us “raise the roof” on the Food Bank by making a targeted donation to the Saugeen First Nation Fund. All funds raised through this dedicated Fund will be used for the repair of the roof and other community needs as identified by Saugeen First Nation.
To make a donation to this Fund today, please visit:
Donations are also accepted by phone at 519-376-1560 or in person/by mail at: United Way of Bruce Grey, 380 9th Street East, Owen Sound, ON N4K 1P1.
Thank you for your support.