United Way of Bruce Grey responds to Hanover fire alongside of our community partners.

In response to the overnight fire involving the Forum rooming house and surrounding apartments, Grey County has issued a formal statement which can be viewed at: https://www.grey.ca/news/emergency-and-support-services-responding-hanover-fire
The United Way of Bruce Grey is currently on-site alongside of multiple community partners. Together, we are ensuring that the victims’ needs are being addressed and supported. Displaced residents are asked to go to Grace United Church at 310 12th street in Hanover for assistance.
The United Way of Bruce Grey has a disaster support fund. If you wish to support the Hanover fire victims, you can donate through Canada Helps at https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/united-way-of-bruce-grey/ **Simply note “Hanover Fire” when making your donation. Donations can also be made by phone at 519-376-1560 or in person/by mail at the UWBG office at 380 9th Street East, Owen Sound, N4K 1P1. All funds donated go into the general disaster fund and will support all victims of disasters in Bruce-Grey.
We will be making further updates as more information becomes available.
Our hearts go out to the many victims affected by this horrific event.