Struggling to pay for your heating and electricity bills? You are not alone. There is help for low income households – find out more here!
Struggling to pay your heating and electricity bills? You are not alone. In a year unlike any other before, many are experiencing financial challenges that are affecting them to keep on top of their bills. The good news is that help exists for low income individuals and families. Learn more below:
UWBG Utility Assistance Program: Provides one time assistance per year for heating and electricity costs for low income households. The program provides grants of up to $500 or $600 per funding source or utility. Accounts need to be in arrears, at risk of disconnection or already disconnected. To apply for assistance with electricity or natural gas utilities, call LEAP at 1-855-487-5327. To apply for assistance with oil, wood or propane, call 211 to apply.
Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP): Provides a monthly reduction on your hydro bill (for low income households). To apply online, visit: or contact the United Way of Bruce Grey at 519-376-1560 for assistance with submitting your application.
Disconnection Bans are currently in place: Both electricity and natural gas providers cannot disconnect a utility customer for lack of payment from November 15th to April 30th. Outside of this time window, the utility must give you an account overdue notice (by telephone, mail, email, other) at least 7 days before issuing a notice of disconnection and must give you at least 14 days’ notice before they can disconnect you.
If disconnection of electricity poses a risk of significant adverse effects on your physical health, or that of anyone who lives in your home, and you have documentation from your doctor, the provider must give you at least 60 days’ notice before disconnecting you. Find out more at:…/rules-electricity-utilities
For all other inquiries regarding our Utility Assistance Program, please give us a call at 519-376-1560.