Utility Assistance Program

The United Way of Bruce Grey’s Utility Assistance Program provides grants, of up to $500 or $700 per funding source or utility, to low-income residents. The accounts need to be in arrears or are at risk of disconnection, or are already disconnected. Full details on how each individual program works is below.
To apply:
- call 211 for furnace oil, propane, or cordwood
- call 1-855-487-5327 for the LEAP Program for Hydro One, Wyse Meters (other apartment metering companies), and Enbridge Gas
Westario customers looking for assistance regarding their Westario arrears can do the following,
- Contact Bruce County directly – 1-800-265-3022
- Fax or drop off an application (Bruce County Human Services, P.O. Box 399, 30 Park St Walkerton ON N0G 2V0)
- Fax: 519-881-4324
- Westario application is on the Bruce County website
- You must be in the arrears (not to be used as a budgeting tool)
Applicants must meet strict income guidelines to be eligible for this program. The United Way has also implemented a policy that, when possible, applicants receive financial literacy counseling to address other issues that may present during the application process. This ensures that basic needs are addressed rather than outstanding issues with consumer debt etc. It is hoped that the one time help will provide the clients with the ability to maintain their utility needs moving forward.

Income and other parameters for subsections of this program are set by the Ontario Energy Board and can be viewed on their website.
Community Supports and Programs

211 is a terrific resource for finding programs in our community to help with the day to day challenges.
However, just to lend a little insight into what you might be missing, here is a start on some of the more vital and most used programs in Grey Bruce.
LEAP-Hydro One: Will pay up to $650.00 every 12 months (Jan-Dec) on an electricity bill. If you heat with electricity, it is $780.00.
Call 1-855-487-5327 to register first.
Westario Power: Will pay up to $650.00 every 12 months (Jan-Dec) on an electricity bill. If you heat with electricity, it is $780.00. Funds are processed by Bruce County Housing, regardless of location, 800-265-3022
LEAP – Enbridge: Will pay up to $650.00 every 12 months (Jan-Dec) against an Enbridge bill. Call 1-855-487-5327 to register first.
Heating Program: The United Way Bruce Grey fundraises for this program and will pay up to $700.00 every 12 months (July-June) for heating (wood, oil, propane). Call 211 to register first.
Ontario Energy Support Program: O.E.S.P.: Low income households can now receive a monthly credit on their Hydro Bill of at least $35.00. The credit will continue for 2 to 5 years, depending on income and age. To apply online, visit: https://ontarioelectricitysupport.ca/. The United Way of Bruce Grey can also assist you with the application process. To find out more, call 519-376-1560.
Sustainable Housing Benefit (Grey County): The County offers a grant to help with emergency housing needs including critical repairs, rent arrears, utility costs, etc. Call 519-376-5744.
Housing Stability Fund (Bruce County): The County offers a grant to help with emergency housing needs including critical repairs, rent arrears, utility costs, etc. Call 1-800-265-3022 or 519-396-3450.
HAP Program – For Homeowners and Tenants – Depending on the burden your electricity bill bears on your income, this program helps households to insulate, exchange old appliances, perform a free energy audit OR offer Energy Star lightbulbs, power bars, faucet aerators, thermostats etc. Conditions apply.
SaveOnEnergy REBATES: Heating and cooling incentives for Homeowners. Savings on air conditioning, heating, circulator pumps and duct work upgrades. Call 1-877-797-9473.
Ontario Renovates: For Homeowners – Both Counties offer a grant to help with major critical home repairs and/or renovations such as roofing, heating, plumbing etc. Call 1-800-265-3022 or 396-3450 in Bruce or 376-2208 in Grey.
Secondary Suite: For Homeowners – Funding of up to $25,000.00 to add a secondary suite in your home for low rental purposes. Call 211 to find the program information for your community.
Home Weatherization – there are programs out there that can help insulate, replace some appliances etc, watch our video for more information and call 211, they can direct you to the appropriate program near you.
Enbridge: Home Winterproofing Program: The Home Winterproofing Program can help you lower your natural gas bill and make your home more comfortable. If your home and household income levels qualify, you’ll get free insulation, draft proofing and a smart thermostat to reduce energy costs up to 30 percent.
Free Income Tax Preparation: If your income is below certain guidelines you can visit any of many Free Tax Preparation Clinics in Grey Bruce. Filing Income Tax Returns offer many other benefits. Call 211 to see which office is closest to you.
Backpacks: A fully loaded backpack for September. Be sure to register first by calling 211 between June 15th and the last Friday of August.

Reports and History

High-med-low density Hydro One data Dec 2017 YTD
Bruce Grey Utility Assistance report – 2015-2016 (web)