#SafetySunday: How to help prevent cannabis poisoning in children

Accidental poisonings in children from edible cannabis products are a serious risk. Hospitals have seen an increase in visits to the emergency room and poison centres have seen an increase in calls. Poisonings can be life-threatening, sometimes resulting in a coma, and being put on a ventilator.
Keep cannabis away from children
• Safely store your cannabis out of reach and locked away
• Keep edible cannabis separate from regular food and drinks
• Choose legal cannabis products, which: come in plain, child-resistant packaging; and contain no more than 10 mg of THC per package, to reduce the risk of accidental poisoning.
• In contrast, illegal edible cannabis: can confuse children by mimicking popular brands of candies and snacks; and can contain very high amounts of THC, which increases the risk of severe cannabis poisoning.
Know the signs of a cannabis poisoning
Symptoms can include Vomiting, confusion, unresponsiveness, slurred speech, unsteadiness on feet, drowsiness/lethargy, slowed breathing, and seizures (rare).
Suspect a poisoning?
1. Call your local poison centre (416-813-5900) or 9-1-1 for emergencies.
2. Say that you suspect the symptoms are from cannabis. A quicker diagnosis can prevent serious harm to a child.
Source: www.canada.ca/cannabis