Sadly, there have been at least 10 overdose deaths in Grey and Bruce Counties so far in 2021. Here’s what you need to know.

The above OVERDOSE ALERT was posted May 23rd, 2021. To date, in 2021, there have been at least 10 fatal overdoses in Grey and Bruce Counties. The drugs, which are believed to be fentanyl or carfentanil, are very dangerous and potentially lethal. These drugs come in a variety of colours, all of which should be considered extremely toxic and potentially fatal.

Struggling with addiction or know someone who is? If you are needing counselling or support, there are agencies throughout Grey-Bruce that can help.
Locally, you can call:
The Mental Health Crisis Line of Grey Bruce: 1-877-470-5200
Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic: 519-376-3999
ConnexOntario: 1-866-531-2600
For all other resources, call 211 to access resources and referrals to organizations that offer counselling, rehab facilities, support groups, local AA groups and much more.
211 is a free service that can connect you with social, community, health and government services. It is completely confidential and available 24/7. You can also visit to access email and live chat Monday to Friday during regular business hours.
For all emergencies, call 911.
So far in 2021, there have been at least 10 fatal overdoses presumably involving fentanyl or carfentanil. An Overdose Alert Warning issued on May 23rd noted that these drugs may be found in a variety of colours. All street drugs must be considered highly toxic and potentially fatal.
If you must use, don’t use alone. Call the OVERDOSE PREVENTION LINE at 1-888-688-6677 if you must use alone. Avoid mixing different types of drugs including alcohol. Go slow and know your tolerance and remember that street drugs are potentially lethal in small amounts. Take part in overdose prevention training and always carry a Naloxone kit. Naloxone is available for free from pharmacies and at the Grey Bruce Health Unit.