Rapid Antigen Tests Pick UP
Events: March 4th & March 5 2022
The United Way of Bruce Grey is offering 2 opportunities to pick up Rapid Antigen Tests.
Owen Sound Transit Terminal March 4th 10 am to 2 pm.
The United Way is reaching out to Owen Sound Transit riders to offer them a chance to pick up a kit of 5 QuickVue At-Home OTC COVID-19 Test Kit (Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT)) and a box of 20 KN95 masks at no cost. Recipients will either need to show a bus pass or a bus ticket to get the items. The RAT tests and KN95 masks have been provided by Health Canada through an arrangement with the Red Cross for distribution spearheaded by the local United Way.

Heritage Mall Shopping Centre March 5th 10 am to 4 pm or until the tests are gone
These kits are boxes of 30 tests and have been provided by Bruce Power. A limited number of 3 ply medical masks will also be offered with each box. One box per household at this time.
There is no cost for any of these items but the United Way invites attendees to make a donation to help cover United Way related costs.
The United Way has distributed thousands of tests through community partners starting December 22nd. “Now that the supply has stabilized we are able to take these tests out into the community for broader distribution. We have prioritized the transit riders at this time as they are a high risk group due to the utilization of transit verses personal vehicles” Dobbyn adds.
If you have COVID-19 or COVID-19 like symptoms, or have been in contact with someone with COVID-19, do not rely on these tests alone. Please follow local public health guidelines if you have symptoms of COVID-19.