Post Stuff the Bus Update 2023
Last week, we hosted our Stuff the Bus event at Staples in Owen Sound. It was an incredibly rewarding experience for me as it was my first time being involved. Stuff the Bus is an annual event that takes place around the same time each year, aimed at helping students from low-income families. The concept is simple yet impactful – while parents and guardians are out shopping for back-to-school supplies, they are encouraged to pick up a few extra items for those in need.
What struck me most during the event was witnessing parents using this opportunity to teach their children about the importance of giving back. It was truly enlightening to see families turning this event into a valuable learning experience for their kids. By involving them in the act of generosity, parents instilled in their children a sense of empathy and understanding toward fellow students who are less fortunate and in need of assistance.
Here’s a recap of STB:
Thursday: 1st Day

“Francesca, take my picture! It’s my first Stuff the Bus!!” – Me (Kristy)
We had a long-time supporter of The Backpack Program drop off 85 backpacks filled with school supplies!

Kristy and Francesca did an interview with the Owen Sound Sun Times about how needed The Backpack Program is right now and how the community can help.
Read the article here:
FAN Club came out and volunteered from 3 pm-7 pm. We appreciate Jackie Ralph and the club so much and we are grateful that they could come by and help.

Friday: 2nd Day

It was a dark and gloomy day so the bright yellow bus really stood out! Also, at this point, it was already quite stuffed!
Rob from Mix 106.5 was there bringing listeners to Staples! It was so nice chatting with him and we are thankful for the opportunity to speak to the community via radio waves!

Saturday: 3rd Day

Kiwanis Club of Owen Sound Day! They were at the bus all day volunteering their time. I met lots of new members of the club and their energy/support was fantastic.
I feel incredibly honoured to have been a part of this event. It serves as a powerful reminder that by coming together as a community, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need, particularly students who deserve every opportunity to succeed academically.
Overall, Stuff the Bus at Staples in Owen Sound was a HUGE success. You can still donate to The Backpack Program at Staples cash register until Sunday, September 10th. I look forward to next year’s event as it truly embodies the spirit of giving back.
~ Kristy Andre, Fundraising Champion of United Way Bruce Grey