Over 7200 meals have been delivered to those affected by homelessness through the Meals to Motels Program. Learn more here.

The numbers are in! Thanks to you and our incredible community partners, over 7200 meals have been provided to homeless individuals, couples and families sheltering in hotels during the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2020, the highest number of meals stood at 912 during the month of June. In January, 2021 however, 1202 meals were delivered.
About the Meals to Motels Program:
When Covid-19 arrived in our region, local agencies quickly identified the effect that the pandemic was having on our homeless population. Folks needed a safe environment to live and hunger needed to be addressed. Many were able to be housed in rental apartments and others were housed in local motels. This is where the meal delivery came in. Nutritious, microwaveable meals made by OSHaRE were then delivered by Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce.
The success of this project is a direct result of many agencies coming together in this heightened time of need. Our thanks and appreciation goes out to: County of Grey, Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce, YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce: Community & Employment Services, Owen Sound Hunger and Relief Effort (OSHaRE), M’Wikwedong NCRC, and The Women’s Centre Grey Bruce Inc.
We are so grateful to all. This is what community feels like and what an amazing community we have.
For more information, give us a call at 519-376-1560.