Our School Supply Drive in support of our Backpack Program is on!

Have you heard about our School Supply Drive in support of our Backpack Program? This program supplies fully stocked backpacks to children of low income families across Bruce and Grey Counties.
This year, due to the economical effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are expecting our backpack numbers to be much higher. We have already received a surge of agency requests which far surpasses typical requests for this point in the summer. We are expecting to pack at least 4,000 backpacks this summer.
If you would like to help and make a direct difference to local children in need, you may consider donating school supplies for our program. Please see our “Backpack Program Wish List” below which details all of the supplies for each of the grade levels. All items need to be new. Name brand supplies would be appreciated.

All supplies may be dropped off at Heritage Place Shopping Mall in Owen Sound until August 10th. Just look for the white picket fence located directly across from the shoe store (Canadian Shoe Outlet) and down the hall the Leon’s.
Financial gifts are also appreciated. If you would like to make a donation through Canada Helps, please visit DonateToday.ca. Donations by cheque or money order may be mailed to our office at: United Way of Bruce Grey, 380 9th Street East, Owen Sound, ON N4K 1P1. Donations may also be made over the phone at 519-376-1560.
We would really appreciate any support you could offer.
For more information about our Backpack Program, please visit: https://unitedwayofbrucegrey.com/services-offered/backpack-program/
or call 519-376-1560.
If you need a backpack for your child/children, please call 211 to apply.