Our Backpack Program is winding down and we have so many people to thank!

As our Backpack Program begins to wind down for the summer, we are so thankful for so many people and organizations who came together to help make a difference in the lives of local children.
We wish to thank all of our AMAZING donors and volunteers whose support is the reason this program is what it is. We thank each and everyone of you who have offered your time, your financial gifts and the donation of school supplies. We are in awe! Thank you!
We also want to express our deep felt gratitude for the following community partners and organizations who have help support the program in so many ways. In what would turn out to be an unprecedented year with unforeseen challenges, your support made magic happen this summer and we are truly thankful.
A big thanks go to:
Bruce County
County of Grey
Bruce Grey Child & Family Services
Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce
Heritage Place Shopping Centre
Martin’s Transit
Staples Owen Sound
Stow-it Self Storage OS
and all of the community agencies across Bruce and Grey Counties that are our pick-up depots.
Our hearts are full! Thank you SO much!
If you would like to order a backpack for your child, it’s not too late. Simply call our office at 519-376-1560.