Our 2020 Backpack Program is back and in full swing!
Our 2020 Backpack Program is back and in full swing! We are organizing our supplies and we are ready to start packing! We are pleased to announce that Sarah Raynsford has returned as our Backpack Program Coordinator. That makes 3 years in a row and we are thrilled to have her back!

Backpack Program Coordinator
Our Backpack Program provides fully stocked backpacks to children of low income families. This year, due to the economical effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, we expect the need to be even higher.
This summer, thanks to the generosity of Heritage Place Shopping Centre, we will be packing the backpacks in a retail space at the mall. This gives us so much room to work with and allows us to practice safe social distancing while we pack. We are so grateful for the ongoing support of Heritage Place who also provided us with the space to pack our food hampers last month. Their support and commitment to community means so much.

For more information about our Backpack Program, please visit: https://unitedwayofbrucegrey.com/services-offered/backpack-program/
or give us a call at 519-376-1560.
If you would like to apply for backpacks for your children, please register by calling 211 from June 15th to August 28th.
If you would like to make a donation to our Backpack Program through Canada Helps, you can do so by visiting www.DonateToday.ca. We would really appreciate your support.