November is here and so is a brand new calendar for Seniors’ Centre Without Walls.

November is here and so is a brand new calendar for our Bruce Grey Seniors’ Centre Without Walls. We have lots of great activities planned for this month including a concert by Sarah Pratt-Parsamian on violin, Elder Shirley John will be speaking about ancestors from the four directions, there will be a fun recipe swap (soup & stew edition), a virtual book club by phone, Alzheimers Grey Bruce will be speaking about the “Journey of Supports Starts Here”, there will be a presentation by Sheatre on Elder Abuse, a talk by Waste Watchers, Wheel of Fortune by phone and much much more!
BGSCWW is a telephone conferencing project that offers an inclusive, safe, inviting place to listen and learn while increasing social connectedness and well-being of seniors in the region.
Most activities take place over the phone however some involve Zoom which can be accessed through or by using the Zoom app on your computer, tablet or mobile device.
The programs are free and everyone is welcome.
To register or to view the current activity calendar, simply visit
For more information or to register by phone, contact Misty at 519-376-1560 or