Gallery of photos
- Staff at Attack game 2025
- November 26th 2024: Dine Around
- November 26th 2024: Poverty Task Force in Kincardine
- Halloween 2024
- October 26th 2024: Trick or Treat Trail
- September 28th 2024: B
- September 12 2024: OS Chamber Golf
- August 30th 2024: Teddy Bear Picnic
- July 12th 2024: Liuna Local 1059 Golf
- June 24th 2024: REACH Visit
- June 15 2024: OS Pride Parade
- June 11th2024: Tampon Tuesday at Kristen’s Pharmacy
- Pi Day 2024 with PIE
- Pi Day 5K 2024
- April 6th 2024: We Remember Them
- February 28th 2024: Pink Shirt Day
- February 24th 2024: CNOY Grey Highlands
- February 24th 2024: CNOY Kincardine
- February 24th 2024: CNOY Meaford
- February 24th: 2024 CNOY Saugeen Shores
- December 8th 2023: Moonight Madness Apple Cider Stand
- December 2nd 2023: Meaford Santa Claus Parade
- December 2nd 2023: Kincardine Santa Claus Parade
- December 2nd 2023: Owen Sound Farmers Market
- December 1st 2023: Southampton Santa Claus Parade
- November 25th 2023: Port Elgin Santa Claus Parade
- November 24th 2023: Markdale Santa Claus Parade
- November 18th 2023: Owen Sound Santa Claus Parade
- November 8th 2023: Staff at Attack game
- October 31st 2023: #211 Tuesday Halloween
- October 31st 2023: Lemon Tree 211 halloween
- October 28th 2023: River District Halloween
- October 27th 2023: Dress Purple Day
- October 20th 2023: A client left this beautiful rock for us
- October 8th 2023: Stone Tree Thanksgiving Brunch
- September 30th 2023: Attack Home Opener
- August 17th-19th 2023: Stuff the Bus
- July 29th 2023: Peavey Mart BBQ
- July 22nd 2023: Keystone Family Fun Festival
- July 8th 2023: Hottest Street Sale
- July 8th 2023: Drag Story Time at the Owen Sound Library
- June 27th 2023: East beat West for Tampon Tuesday at Shopper’s Drug Mart
- June 20th 2023: Tampon Tuesday at Kristen’s Pharmacy in Southampton
- June 17th 2023: Pride Parade in Owen Sound
- June 13th 2023: West beat East for Tampon Tuesday at Shopper’s Drug Mart
- May 2nd: 2023 Smile Cookies!!!
- May 11th 2023: LCBO Staff Appreciation Week
- May 1st 2023: Unmuting Event
- May 1st 2023: Unmuting Event
- April 19th 2023: 211 Window display at CMHA in Owen Sound
- March 29th 2023: Staff photo at our AGM
- March 24th 2023: Rick Byers stopped by to congratulate us on 25 years
- When you’re in a pickle, call 211!
- February 22nd 2023: #PinkShirtDay
- January 19th 2023: National Popcorn Day with the Stanley Cup
- January 12th: Delivered 23 EMS Kettle Bins to County of Grey and Grey County Paramedic Services.
- January 3rd 2023: Lights Out Hockey Clinic
- December 19th 2022: Sunday Morning Hockey League Christmas Box donations
- December 9th 2022: Moonlight Madness Apple Cider Stand
- November 2022: Holiday Window Decorating Contest
- November 19th 2023: Santa Claus Parade
- November 2022: Staples and Owen Sound Kiwanas Club donation!
- Halloween 2022: Casual Fright Day
- October 24th 2022: Lunch with Local Leaders
- October 24th 2022: Lunch with Local Leaders
- October 21st 2022: Police BBQ at the Owen Sound Farmers Market
- October 21st 2022: Police BBQ at the Owen Sound Farmers Market
- October 1st 2022: First home game of the season. Handing out Coin Cans!
- #DressPurpleDay
- Smile cookie time!
- October 2022: OPSEU Local 260 donation
- August 2022: On location for the Stuff the Bus event
- August 2022: On location for the Stuff the Bus event
Follow us on Facebook, that’s where we’ll have all our photos from all our events…but here are a few favourites!