Food Organization Profile: St. George’s Anglican Church of the Blue Mountains in Clarksburg.

Today’s Food Organization Profile is written by Shelley Young – one of the volunteer leaders of St. George’s Anglican Church of the Blue Mountains in Clarksburg.
A few years ago, our two daughters decided they wanted to get tattoos. Given they were both over the age of 18 they certainly didn’t need my permission, but we did have lengthy discussions about what image or phrase they might choose and where on their body the tattoo might go. At one point, they asked whether I would ever get a tattoo and, if so, what would it be? I quickly announced that at my age (let’s just say I am over 55), I didn’t really feel I needed one, but it did get me thinking. If I were so inclined, what would I choose to have inked on my skin? What was important or significant enough to me that I wouldn’t mind having it on display? I decided that the word “nourish,” meant a great deal to me and that would be my tattoo.
Why the word nourish and what does all of this have to do with the volunteer work I do at the Community meal program at St. George’s Anglican Church in the Town of the Blue Mountains? I chose this word for a few reasons, but it relates to why this outreach program is important to me and how it reflects on what is important in my life. By providing healthy, nutritious meals on a weekly basis to over 130 seniors and families in our community, we are obviously nourishing their bodies, but I also believe we are nourishing their minds and souls, and our own as well. The recipients are nourished by the food we provide, but through the planning of meals, ordering of supplies and preparing of food, the over 70 volunteers are being “fed” too. Some of the volunteers have the joy of working together in the kitchen for the benefit of others, and spending time sharing cooking tips and hints. The team of individuals who deliver the meals to the seniors are thrilled to see how happy people are when the delicious home cooked food is delivered to their doors. The volunteers who pass along the food to the families are deeply moved by the gratitude expressed to them. The wonderful stores and one restaurant in our town that gives us a discount on food products and helps us purchase our containers are a vital element of this program too. Under the leadership of Reverend Dr. Grayhame Bowcott, this outreach ministry nourishes us all on so many levels.
By Shelley Young

For more information about St. George’s Community Meal Program, follow them on Facebook at or visit their website at
You can also give them a call at 519-599-3047.