#FinancialFridays: We are proud to welcome Sharon Safra as our new Financial Literacy Coordinator.
The United Way of Bruce Grey is proud to welcome Sharon Safra to our team. Sharon will be taking over as our Financial Literacy Coordinator from Caroline Araujo Abbotts who will be leaving shortly on maternity leave.

Sharon is a kind, caring and compassionate person who brings with her abundant knowledge and experience working in the financial literacy sector. She also has extensive experience working with newcomers and the farm sector in Grey and Bruce Counties. Since 2012, she has been a Welcome Wagon Ambassador for Bruce Grey. Her most recent position was with the Windsor-Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic as a Community Outreach Worker for the government funded project KAIROS-CARE for International Workers.
Sharon is familiar with local programs and resources geared towards helping low-income clients overcome their money struggles. She is looking forward to helping clients navigate their way through their financial challenges by offering basic financial counselling including budgeting advice and the provision of referrals to other local assistance programs.
If you are looking to improve your financial situation, please reach out to Sharon directly at advice@unitedwaybg.com or 519-378-4773. The program is free, confidential, and open to all in Bruce-Grey.
We wish Caroline the very best as she welcomes her second child to their family.