#FinancialFridays: The Province of Ontario has announced changes to the Seniors Dental Care Program and the Seniors Prescription Co-Payment Program.

Of interest to seniors: The provincial government has announced changes to Ontario’s Seniors Dental Care Program and the Seniors Co-Payment (Prescription Drugs) Program. The changes to these two programs will take effect August 1st, 2021.
The Income Threshold to be eligible will increase from an annual income of $19,300 to $22,200 for a single senior and from a combined annual income of $32,300 to $37,100 for a senior couple.
The government says 7,000 more seniors will qualify for the dental program and 17,000 more for the co-payment program.
Seniors who may qualify for the Seniors Co-Payment Program should apply NOW to make sure the changes take effect on August 1st. To apply for the Seniors Co-Payment Program, go here: http://www.forms.ssb.gov.on.ca/mbs/ssb/forms/ssbforms.nsf/FormDetail?openform&ENV=WWE&NO=014-3233-87
To apply for the Seniors Dental Program, go here: https://www1.publichealthgreybruce.on.ca/Your-Health/Dental-Health/Senior-Dental-Program. You can use the current application with the old income numbers or you can wait until the updated application is available. You can also call the Grey Bruce Public Health Unit at 519-376-9420, and press 8 for dental programs.