#FinancialFridays: Have you received CERB payments when you were not eligible or you became ineligible after applying?

Have you received a CERB payment during the Covid pandemic?
There are some people who may have applied for and received CERB when they were not eligible or became ineligible after applying. It is important for the public to know that the government is asking those who received CERB in error to repay.
Recipients can earn up to $1,000 during each four week pre-set period.
If someone is unsure about whether they were eligible or not, they can visit the following link for clarification and information on repayment.
Scams using CERB overpayments as their hook have become common. If someone thinks they have received a call, mail, or e-mail from a scammer, they should report it to the Canadian Anti-fraud Centre.
The safest ways to repay CERB overpayments are through CRA My Account or by phoning CRA at 1-800-959-8281.