#FinancialFridays: Free Tax Clinics

Today’s #FinancialFriday post is dedicated to taxes. Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force keeps 211 updated with the relevant information about Free Tax Clinics in our communities.
People who qualify:
– Individuals earning up to $35,000
– Two-person family – up to $45,000 (combined income of a couple, or one adult with one child under 18)
– Add $2,500 to the above limits for each dependent child in the family
– Interest income limited to under $1000
For more information, call 211 or visit www.FreeTaxClinics.ca
#FinancialFridays #Debt #ManagingYourDebt #Finances #FinancialFridays #FinancialAdvice #UnitedWay #UnitedWayBruceGrey #OwenSound