#FinancialFridays: Direct Funding for Attendance Services

Caroline, who runs the Financial Literacy Program, was on the radio on November 8th, 2023. A caller asked about Direct Funding for Attendance Services. Here is some information and links to learn more about this new program in Ontario.
The Direct Funding Program lets adults with physical disabilities hire their own attendants. Attendants can help with routine activities of daily living, including dressing, grooming, bathing, and other activities.
The adult with a disability becomes an employer of their attendants. They are fully responsible for managing their own employees within a budget that is developed on an individual basis.
This program is available anywhere within Ontario and moves with the person within Ontario. It provides monthly funds for attendant care so that adults with a disability can choose, schedule, and manage their own attendants to meet their needs.
The program is managed by the Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT) with the Ontario Network of Independent Living Centres (ONILC). It is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care through the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network.
This website includes a self-assessment page to help people decide if this is the right fit for them. There is an application process.
If you missed the radio show, please take a listen here: