#FinancialFridays: Canada Carbon Rebate

If you filed for 2022 taxes last year, you may have received the Climate Action Incentive payments on July 14th, 2023, October 15th, 2023, and January 15th, 2024. To receive the next and 4th payment of the series, you will need to complete the 2024 taxes.
If you file your 2023 taxes electronically by March 15th, 2024, you should receive your next Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR); formerly the Climate Action Incentive Payment (CAIP) on April 15th, 2024. If you file after March 15th, 2024, you will receive your April payment after your return has been assessed.
The Canada Carbon Rebate is a tax-free amount to help eligible individuals and families offset the cost of federal pollution pricing. It includes a basic amount and a supplement for those living in small and rural communities.
Link to more information about the Climate Action Incentive Payment (CAIP) for the 2022 tax season: