Resources & Supports for Newcomers & Immigrants During COVID-19
This page is for quick reference to general information and resources. For assistance related to personal or specific situations, please call 211.
Here are the steps:
1. Using a translation app on your mobile phone or other electronic devices, learn to say the name of your language in English.
2. Call 211
3. Tell the operator the name of your language in English
4. The operator will connect you with a translator
For questions related to law or legal matters, contact Grey Bruce Community Legal Clinic at 519-370-2200. Referrals and translation service may be available.
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1. Open the website
2. Place cursor on the page, then right click to see a pop-up list
3. On the pop-up list, click “Translate to” to translate the website
4. To read the website in English, place cursor on t6he page, then right click to see a pop-up list
5. On the pop-up list, click ‘Reload”.
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1. Download the PDF file you would like to translate
2. Open
3. Click the blue “Browse your computer” button, then choose the file you would like to translate
4. Choose the language you would like to translate the PDF file to, then click “Translate”.
Updated information on the 2019 novel coronavirus (Covid-19) from the Ontario Ministry of Health:
What is Covid-19, and how to protect yourself and your family against it?
Grey Bruce Public Health Covid-19 Questions and Answers:
Self-assessment tools:
Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Canada
Covid-19 Assessment Centres in Grey Bruce (in English):
Financial supports
Federal Government
Help for individuals and families, and how to apply:
Canada Emergency Response Benefit questions and answers:
Help for businesses:
Provincial Government
The Covi-19 Emergency Assistance is for individuals and families in financial crisis who are not able to access federal assistance to cover needs such as food, rent, medicine, transportation and other services. Click the link below to apply:
Free or budgeted community food programs (in English):
Grocery stores (in English):
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has published a Covid-19 resource page on their website with information for home landlords, owners, small businesses and renters.
Landlord Tenants Board is suspending the issuance of eviction orders and all hearings related to eviction applications. No tenants can be legally evicted until the suspension is lifted
The federal and provincial governments are putting programs in place to support individuals who face financial challenges cause by the Covid-19 pandemic. Please refer to the “Financial supports” section for information
Home owners
Check with your mortgage holder (bank or mortgage company) whether they allow mortgage deferral
General information on mortgage deferral
Temporary Housing and Homelessness
YMCA Housing Support Services covers all of Grey Bruce, working with people that are housed in temporary housing to stay put and access food. Please call and leave messages at 519-371-9230 ext. 5, or email
Safe ‘N Sound is available for anyone in need. Their after hours call centre is still operating and covers all of Grey Bruce. 519-470-7233
Detailed description of services (in English)
Employment-related supports
VPI Solutions provides employment services to residents in Bruce County, including EI and CERB applications. Please call 519-881-4900
YMCA Employment Services provides supports for residents in Grey County, including EI and CERB applications. Please call 519-371-9222 or email
Life Directions Employment Centre provides services to residents in South East Grey, including EI and CERB applications. Please phone 519-378-5514 or email
The Agency continues to connect people looking for work with employers. Please call 519-376-4357 or email
Cultural or Religious Supports
Beth Ezekiel Synagogue:
phone (519)376-8774
Churches: look up contact information at the Newcomer Information Bruce Grey website
Grey Bruce Chinese Heritage & Culture Association:
Owen Sound Muslim Association:
phone (905)9236165
Mental Health
CMHA’s mental health tips:
Kids Help Phone is offering free phone counselling service in Arabic, facilitated by Arabic-speaking interpreters
Support for students and their families:
Keystone Child, Youth & Family Services:
support for children and youths
Law related, including immigration and citizenship matters
Community Legal Education Ontario provides up-to-date information. Live chat is available
For all other inquiries, please contact us at