Community Update Report: Lots of amazing things happened this week thanks to our donors and volunteers.
Our donors and volunteers have made a lot of REALLY AMAZING things happen in recent days. We are SO thankful for each and every one of you who have supported our quest to help the most vulnerable in our region through our Pandemic Relief Fund. And to those who are doing what they can to assist their neighbours through our initiative – thank you for making a huge difference.
These are uncertain times and often the news is grim but one thing shines bright in the midst of all this – we have one AWESOME community that cares so much and that community is truly coming together in this time of need.
To date, our community has donated over $30,000, of which 48% has been distributed through community channels to directly assist those in need during the Covid-19 pandemic. 23% has been budgeted for additional resources that will directly assist the most vulnerable in Bruce-Grey and the remaining 29% will be used to meet additional needs as they arise in the weeks and months to come.
We have been able to source 70 cases of toilet paper that will be distributed to area food banks in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce. We have connected with a second wholesale supplier and another order is pending in 7 to 10 days. Being able to purchase this basic need item from a wholesaler means that we won’t be impacting the supply chain in the grocery stores which is so important to us.
Working with Owen Sound Hunger and Relief Effort, we have been able to link with the community hot meal programs and made a large purchase of take-out containers. This bulk purchase produced a savings of up to 30% on some items.
We are encouraged all food banks and food programs to let us know what other supports they needed and we have provided over $7000 in additional supports to meet those requests fully.
During this time, we are continuing to serve our clients by offering utility assistance and are advocating for measures that will help the most vulnerable in the months to come.
In times like this, it so important to have hope and because of our donors and volunteers, we have that. Thank you again.
If you need assistance or access to community, social or government programs, please call 2-1-1 or visit 211 is free, confidential and available 24/7.