Directors & Staff


Francesca Dobbyn – Executive Director

Engagement Staff

Kristy Andre – Fundraising Champion

Frontline Program Staff

Carolyn Araujo-Abbotts – Financial Literacy Program Co-ordinator

Karen Baxter – Utility Assistance Program

Robin Cork – Food Security Co-ordinator

Misty Degrieck- Office Manager

Sandra Hoyler – Social Navigator – SOS Project

Jill Umbach – Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force Co-ordinator

Support Staff

Lisa Roberts – Janitorial

Trevor Boorman – Maintenance

NOT the actual directors and staff, but happy people who could be happy because they are directors and staff.


Chair: Breanne Moss Director of Human Resources, OpenText Corporation
Home: Saugeen Shores

Vice-Chair: Jennifer Tuer Thomson & Tuer Lawyers
Home: Port Elgin

Treasurer: Tarah Coleman Project Management Bruce Power
Home: Walkerton

Board Members:

Debbie Caswell Community Legal Worker GB Legal Clinic
Home: Meaford

David Furr VP Supply Chain Bruce Power
Home: Saugeen Shores

Kerry Lee Retired Lawyer
Home: Owen Sound

Paul Wagenaar Career Advisor, Life Directions Employment Supports
Home: Georgian Bluffs

Alison Fernandes Indigenous Procurement & EDI Procurement, ESG, OPG
Home: Southampton

Labour Representatives

Adam Milman Business Representative Liuna 1059
Home: Walkerton

Agency Representatives

Jackie Ralph CMHA – Youth Team
Home: Georgian Bluffs

Emma Fryday Big Brothers Big Sisters Grey Bruce Western Simcoe
Home: Southampton


Francesca Dobbyn Executive Director United Way of Bruce Grey Home: Owen Sound

If you are interested in joining the board or have questions please reach out!